The policy of quality, environment and safety of IBG Prague
Business focus and technical competence
IBG Prague (hereinafter IBG) was founded in 2002 with a vision to create a Czech specialist in battery systems and also the exclusive representative of the group Exide Technologies. Its activities build on the experience and know-how Zázvorka Aleš, which in industrial batteries has been operating since 1994.
IBG operates in the Czech Republic, but also, through its subsidiaries and the Slovak Republic and Hungary.
IBG provides customer requirements using battery systems for industrial applications, ie the traction and station stationary sources.
IBG is a significant company in the Czech market and controls more than 60% of the market segment, especially in the field of traction.
IBG offers a sales and service of battery systems and uninterruptible power sources, but also ensures a comprehensive implementation of the requirements and needs of the user concept, ie "I want and get everything - from" A "to" Z "with the service. The IBG business practice, this means that the company provides to clients: consulting, design of power devices, integrated delivery of the manufactured equipment tailored, operator training, and implementation of the planned operative service (according to different models of equipment), review of facilities and equipment life cycle concludes their professional disposal in accordance with applicable environmental legislation.
Further development of the IBG is focused primarily on expanding the number of professional consultants and technicians, and streamlining key processes and support IBG, ie, production, logistics, sales, service and associated activities - especially on internal communication in society and external communication with customers and other stakeholders.
Commitment of senior management
IBG Senior management is committed to creating the necessary conditions for improving organizational effectiveness through continuous improvement of management of Applied systems - quality management, environmental management and safety management and occupational health as a health and safety.
To meet its obligations IBG senior management:
• improve the processes of production, logistics, sales and service and ensures the resources available - financial, personnel, material-technical,
• identify customer satisfaction on products and technical services, and selects and evaluates vendor products and services for improving the quality of manufactured equipment and service performed,
• applicable regulatory requirements and other requirements in the areas of quality management, environment, health and safety,
• improve the environmental profile of the company, relies on the prevention of pollution, use of information about significant environmental aspects and impacts on production and service,
• continuously identify hazards and assess OHS risks in the production and servicing, and apply control measures, adopted measures to prevent accidents and injuries and improve OSH performance,
• improving internal and external communication with stakeholders, especially the administrations on the issue of environmental and occupational health and safety,
• strengthens the awareness of the significance performing duties in the areas of product quality and service, environmental protection and occupational safety.
Aleš Zázvorka, director